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Finances Glossary
Updated over a year ago

Transaction ID

System generated, unique identifier across TidyHQ (global). No transactions between any orgs would share an ID. Cannot be modified. Recorded against transactions e.g. any payment made using Stripe.

A transaction ID is generated for all transaction records. This includes ‘manually created’ payment such as cash transactions entered into the system. 

Gateway ID

This number is generated by stripe (the payment gateway). This allows you to trace the transaction back to your Stripe account.

All transactions will have both a Transaction ID (Tidy) and a Payment Gateway ID (Stripe) associated with it. This ID cannot be modified.


Short amount of text written by Admins to label or name an Invoice, Expense, or Deposit. 

e.g. Invoice - Senior Membership and Team Shorts 

Tip: use Reference to name your Invoices with something that will make sense to you, when you're reviewing your records, or your Contact so they know what the Invoice is for.

Transaction Reference

Short line of text written by Admins used to record a label or short, human-friendly description of the transaction. The Transaction Reference can be overridden at any time by Admins with Finances permissions under the Transaction Details panel via the Transactions List.

e.g. Transaction refunded because person brought too many tickets 

Tip: This can be edited at any time by Admins. Use Transaction References to keep your Admin team on the same page, giving additional information about the money received. Especially useful for manual Transactions such as Deposits

For example:
Deposit Name:  
Lollies - Canteen
Transaction Reference:
Cash taken at the Bar
Transaction Type:

Net Amount 

The value of funds that will be received in the organisations connected bank account after fees. For example, a payment is made for $100 processed with Stripe:

The Admin can expect to see an amount in their bank account of $95 from Stripe. 

What happens when the transaction includes Tax?

When Tax is included in the invoice line items, net amount is: total amount processed, minus fees, plus tax collected. For example:

Total Amount

Is the total value of the Invoice including any fees or taxes paid.

Number (Previously 'Reference #' and 'Ref. No')

A system generated sequential number for new Invoices, Expenses, Deposits. Numbers are optional fields and non-unique e.g. you can have multiple invoices with the same number if you choose. 

Tip: You can create your own numbering system under Finances Settings:

Reference # Prefix

This prefix is joined with the sequential reference # to create a human-friendly reference. This prefix will sit in front of all future reference numbers like so: PREFIX-123.

Next Reference # Starts From

Sequential reference numbers are created for each new Invoice, Deposit or Expense generated by Admins or the system. You can jump-start this number if you’ve got an existing numbering system in place you’d like to stick to.

Description (Invoice, Deposit, Expense)

Shorlt line of text used to describe line items created on Invoices, Deposits and Expenses.


An invoice is a document that charges a customer for goods or services you’ve provided. Sometimes known as a bill, an invoice shows all the information about a transaction. In TidyHQ an invoice includes:

  • the quantity of any goods or services provided

  • the rate charged

  • the total cost

  • a description of the transaction (so your customer knows what they’re paying for)

  • when and how the customer should pay


A sum of money paid into your organisation. Use deposits to record whenever cash is recieved by the organisation.

Deposits are created automatically created when a membership, event ticket or shop item is sold.


A sum of money your organisation has paid to someone. Use expenses whenever cash leaves your organisation. 


A tag applied to line items allowing your organisation to track what a line item was for. Categories are applied to line items and displayed in reports and insights.

For example: 2017 Memberships  

Budget: Estimates

Estimates shows the amount of Income and Expenses you predict to have for this financial year.

Budget: Actuals

Actuals shows the amount of Income and Expenses, with Taxes included, you’ve had this financial year.

Reports: Cash Flow

Cash Flow shows the amount of Income and Expenses, with Taxes excluded, you’ve had this financial year and a breakdown of Taxes collected and Paid.

Tax Collected 

Sum of tax recorded as part of 'income/deposits'

Tax Paid

Sum of tax recorded as part of 'expense'

Tax Total

Is the amount of Tax your organisation owes or is owed to/from the Tax Authority. Although Tidy doesn't provide the ability to complete a BAS or in-depth Tax statement you should be able to get most of the way there with the Tax Totals in the Cash Flow Report.

Here's a basic explanation of how Tax Total works: when a customer buys a T-Shirt, the seller collects Tax from the sale e.g. $10 Tax - The seller now owes Tax Authority $10 in Tax. If the seller pays tax to a supplier e.g. $5 tax on blank T-Shirts, the seller has paid $5 Tax, so now only owes the Tax Authority $5 tax. 

Net Cash Position 

Is equal to Cash Income (not including Tax) minus Cash Expenses (not including Tax)

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