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Use our Mailchimp integration to push contacts from TidyHQ to your MailChimp Audiences

Updated over a year ago

How it works

TidyHQ syncs contacts from Groups to MailChimp Audiences. If a group we’re syncing has a contact that doesn’t exist in MailChimp, we’ll create it for you. After that, we’ll use tags to sync between groups and audiences. We’ll tag your MailChimp contacts with the name of the TidyHQ Group so you can manage them inside MailChimp. We will never remove a contact from MailChimp – we’ll only update their tags.

Contact creation in MailChimp

If a contact doesn’t exist in MailChimp we’re trying to sync, we’ll create them in MailChimp. MailChimp requires a first name and email address to create a contact – if your contact in TidyHQ doesn't have these details a contact will not get created in MailChimp. TidyHQ will never delete a contact from MailChimp.


We automagically sync groups across to MailChimp after you’ve added the sync. Auto-sync is triggered in the following cases:

  • A syncing Group has a contact added

  • A syncing Group has a contact removed

  • A syncing Group has a contact’s mail contact details updated: first name, last name, email address

Setting Up

If you've previously been using the integration for MailChimp, you'll need to install this first via the App settings. 

For a fresh install; 

1. Add the App

2. Authorise the App with your Mailchimp credentials

You'll be required to enter your Mailchimp details to authorise. Shown below:

NB. You will need to have an Audience established in Mailchimp for Tidy to drop your Contacts into:

3.Set up your syncing rules

Select the TidyHQ Group you'd like to sync to your selected Mailchimp audience. Once you've selected 'Add' the sync will start, this might take a few minutes the first time, depending on how many contacts you're trying to sync.

You can sync many different groups to many different audiences or many groups to a single audience. It's totally up to you. 

Once your sync is successful, you'll see your contacts from TidyHQ in your Mailchimp audience tagged with the group name from TidyHQ. Here's an example of my Mailchimp audience with tagged contacts:

Sending Emails via MailChimp Using Tags

Once your contacts are synced to Mailchimp you can use the tag to send an email to the contacts you want. You can select the tag via the 'To' field when sending out an email in MailChimp

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