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Advanced Filters on the Contacts Table
Advanced Filters on the Contacts Table

How you can use Advanced Filters along with Smart Groups to slice and dice your contacts list however you like.

Updated over a year ago

TidyHQ's Contacts Table acts as your "go to" way to explore everyone important to your organization - be they casual contacts, associated businesses, event attendees or even members.

When it comes time to find people though, it can quickly become unwieldy as the size of your contacts database grows. To make it easier to narrow down who you're looking for - and to subsequently target people for emails, SMSs or just view their information - TidyHQ provides "Advanced Filters" - A way of combining customisable conditions to quickly narrow down your entire world of contacts to just the ones you care about at a given point in time.

From the Contacts Table, if you click the Advanced Filters button at the top, it'll slide out to reveal your options:

The default empty Advanced Filters section

Clicking on "Add Filter" shows a pop up, listing the types of things you can filter on, and then choosing an individual filter, you can customise what you want to find. For example, if I wanted to find everyone missing a date of birth, so I could make sure my data is complete, I would first select the appropriate field:

Choosing the Date of Birth Field in Advanced Filters

Which then adds a new "Filter". You can have one filter or many - and filters combine to narrow down the list. To only show members missing a value, from the drop down list you would choose "does not have any value" like so:

Date of Birth with a "does not have any value" filter.

Click filter contacts, and it will filter the list to anyone who doesn't have a date of birth set. And here in lies the value - there are lots of different filters you can choose - with combinations of fields to filter on, operations (e.g. you could find everyone who was born more than 18 years ago) - and combine them, to make a very specific list. They can all be mixed and matched, and will filter down the list bit-by-bit.

What can I filter on?

Currently, we support a large range of attributes to filter on, under each "group" - and we're adding more all the time.

For each type of field, we'll show operations relevant to the type - for instance, for things that are text (e.g. a name), you can check if the value exactly matches ("is"), if it contains the specific text, and if it is absent or present.

For times and dates, you can filter not only by specific date ranges, but by using relative dates - e.g. in the last 7 days, in the next 3 months, as well as is earlier than 1 month ago and the like.

Finally, for items with a set of known options - e.g. subscription status - it provides a list of options, and the ability to filter to one or multiple.

At the time of writing, you can filter by the following details.


Contacts can be filtered by most common fields - First Name, Last Name, Company, Nick Name, Email, Occupation, Emergency Contact and Number and Gender.

Filterable Fields on Contacts

There is also an "Unsubscribed?" filter, which lets you find customers who have specifically opted out from receiving communication for your club.


Filtering groups by name or a specific group

Groups allows you to find people who are in a specific group - or, if you use a naming scheme, you can perform a text match on the Group Name - e.g. Find all members who are in a group where the group name contains "Sponsors", and that will match everyone in a Sponsors 2022 and a Sponsors 2021 group.

Times & Dates

Time & Dates Filters for a Given Member

Filter by the common dates of a member you care about - You can filter by when the contact was created in Tidy, how long they have been a member for at all (e.g. if they have multiple memberships, when they first signed up) as well as their Date of Birth.


Users can have multiple memberships at any one point in time, so filter by customers where one or all memberships match the given options. You can filter by:

  • Membership Status - are they active, expired, cancelled or partial?

  • Membership Level and Level Name - Find members of a specific level, or where they are members of a level with a name matching a pattern.

  • Start and End Date - when did they first start or last end a given membership?

Filters on Memberships for a Given Contact

Multiple filters against membership will both filter the list shown in the table (and exports), and apply to the same membership - That is, if you have a member with an active membership to Over 18 Players and an expired membership to Under 16 Players, they won't show up if you search for expired memberships to Over 18 Players.

Please note: Previously, advanced filters - and smart groups by proxy, would incorrectly return both in the above scenario, leading to much confusion. A recent change has fixed this issue, and made it clearer that all filters must apply to the same membership, if a user has many.


If you're not familiar with the difference between Memberships and Subscriptions, Please review our Memberships Terminology support article.

Within the memberships for a member, you can dive even further to look at the specific subscriptions that make them up.

For subscriptions, you can not only filter by a specific start and end date, and status (e.g. to find all expired subscriptions in the last 7 days), you can now also filter by if something represents the latest subscription within that membership (the most recent for that specific membership), and also whether or not a given subscription is a renewal.

These filters can be used to find members who renewed in the last 5 days, entirely new members and more.

Please note: Like Memberships, previously this would incorrectly apply filters on different subscription fields across all subscriptions, leading to often confusing results. A recent change has fixed this issue, and made it clearer that all filters must apply to the same subscription, if a user has multiple.


Search members where notes have been added - use the Note Text to find where specific details have been mentioned, or search by note author / date to keep track of who added them.

Attending Events

Find members who are attending / did attend a specific event, and match either on the direct event or a name pattern (e.g. "where the event name contains training")


Allows you to filter by each of the individual address fields associated with a given user, e.g. to find people in a certain city or where they are missing a postcode.

Phone Numbers

Allows you to filter by all of the different types of phone numbers you can attach to a given contact.


If you're integrated with GameDay, or another external service we support, we'll also automatically add filters to allow you to filter your members list by the data we pulled across from the external service.

Custom Fields

Finally, all of your custom fields on contacts - be they files, checkboxes (e.g. "Has Working With Childrens Check?") or other will allow you filter by all members that match them.

The "Custom Fields" section will automatically populate for you with all of your choices, and then give you the ability to choose and filter on them.

Taking the next step: Smart Groups

Once you've built up a list of filters, you can save it as a Smart Group. Smart groups let you store a common set of filters, and automatically populate an automatic updating group from the conditions.

For example, if you wanted to maintain a list of all contacts who became a member for the first time in the last 30 days, you could first filter your contacts like so:

Then save it as a smart group.

Then, anytime you wish to contact or view these members, you can find them on your Groups page, and click in. We'll take care of automatically updating the group (daily for those with time values, or based on changes where relevant). You can always force a refresh at any time, by using the action menu above the table from the group page:

For more information on smart groups, check out our Smart Groups support article where we work through some more user cases.

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