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Membership Message Emails

Welcome new Members and set up reminders to keep Memberships paid and up to date

Updated over a year ago

Within each Membership Level, Member Messages are customisable emails to send to your Contacts for:

  • Welcome - message when a Contact has joined a Membership

  • Renewal Reminder - message to send (if required) to remind your Contact to renew their Membership. You can specify how many days prior to Expiry the renewal is to be sent and if further reminders should also follow.

  • Renewal Success - Message to inform your Contact that they have successfully renewed their membership. This message gets sent every time their membership is renewed.

  • Expired Notice - if required, you can enable a notice to your Contact that their Membership is expired. You can specify how many days after Expiry the notice is to be sent and if further reminders should also follow.

  • Expired Reminder - Similar to the Expired Notice, but allows a new message to be sent to Contacts about their Expired Membership. You can specify how many days after Expiry the notice is to be sent and if further reminders should also follow.

Pro tip for before you start

If your Members Messages (and even the Membership Waiver) will be the same for all your Membership Levels, you can set them up in Organisation Settings > Memberships and then create your Membership Levels with all the Messages already done. As you create your new Membership Levels, the Messages will be pre-filled.

Otherwise, they can be overwritten for each Membership Level and edited for particular memberships at Memberships / Membership Levels and edit them as required,

Note: If a Contact has enabled Auto-Renew with a Validated Credit Card, this will disable Reminders set up in Member Messages. They system will send an automated reminder, that can't be edited due to legislative requirements, approximately three (3) days before the Expiration Date.

Setting up Member Messages

  1. Memberships

  2. Select the Membership Level to edit

  3. Scroll down to section called 'Member Messages'

  4. Customise and preview the required Messages for your Organisation

As in the yellow highlighted bits (above image), you can edit and customise each message and with the Renewal Reminder and the Expired Reminder you can even add extra reminders add appropriate intervals.

Each Message can be customised if required. Use Merge Tags in the message (example below) to personalise the emails. The list of available Merge Tags in visible under each editable message area.

Merge Tags

Merge Tags allow you to create personalised Membership Messages for your Membership Levels. Merge Tags are special code tags placed in membership messages that will populate based on data from the contact profile or membership level.

For example, you want to say 'Hello Sue' at the start of your message, but you can't possibly write out individual messages to every member. You can use a Merge Tags to populate the members {{first_name}} automatically.

How does this look to your Member?

Note: If you are using Inactive Membership Levels (for example, to manage "invitation only" memberships), these Contacts won't be able to view those Membership renewals in their Profile at this time.

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