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Membership Level emails
Membership Level emails

A guide to help you setup emails to go out to your new members.

Updated over 10 months ago

TidyHQ enables you to customise the emails sent to a Member when they join and/or when their Membership expires.

You can choose to have the same Waiver, Welcome Message, Membership Renewal Message, Expiry Reminder Message and Expired Membership Message for all membership levels at Organisation Settings / Memberships displayed under Memberships Communications


they can be overwritten for each Membership Level and edited for particular memberships at Memberships / Membership Levels and edit them  as required

Please note you can select the number of days before the expiry date that the Renewal Reminder message is sent. Simply type in the number of days you require in the checkbox (see Send Renewal Reminder in image above). The number can be overwritten.

You also have the option to select a specific number of days before sending an Expired Reminder email. The number of days is at your discretion.

Please note that the above Renewal Reminder message will only be sent to members who are on membership levels which are visible to the public. If they are admin only then renewal reminder emails will not be sent.

Please note that the program automatically generates an Expired Notice message on the expiry date if the member hasn't already renewed their membership.

The waiver is a document outlining the legal responsibilities of the Club and the member that your member signs as an agreement with your club.

In your Membership Levels, you can choose to de-select and therefore not have a Waiver sent to a new Member.


The Welcome message will go to the Contact when they join as a Member.

Expiry Reminder Mail

An Expiry Reminder is sent to notify people that their membership is expiring. We will also automatically notify them when their membership has expired on the end date of the membership.

Please note that the Expiry Reminder message will only be sent to members who are on membership levels which are visible to the public. If they are admin only then expiry reminder emails will not be sent.

Send Renewal Success

Let your member know they've successfully renewed their membership. This message gets sent every time their membership is renewed.

Notify On Expired

Notify your member when their membership is expired.

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