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Tax invoicing in Membership

Easily set up tax invoicing in your Membership with TidyHQ. Customize tax options to fit your country's requirements hassle-free!

Updated over a year ago

Tax Invoicing

To create a tax component in your Membership invoices is quite simple and it starts right at the beginning of your set up. Of course, if your circumstances change from being non-compliant for tax to compliant you can always re-visit your settings and change them.

Go to Organisation Settings > Finance Settings and enter the tax relevant to your country.

Once you have done this go to Memberships > Membership Level > New Membership Level.
Note: This is if you are setting up for the first time. We will show you how to do this on your existing membership levels.

Fill out all the details and make sure you complete the box for Tax.

You will notice there are three selections. 

The first (None) is of course if you are not charging tax.  

On Top is if you wish to show your tax component like this.

Included is if you add the tax to your Membership but need to show the actual tax component in the invoice and the receipt.

If you have already set up your Membership Levels but now find you are required to charge tax Check in Organisation Settings > Finance settings first to ensure you have the relevant Tax for country entered and then go to Memberships > Overview and then open the Membership levels up that already have

Scroll down to the line for the Tax and fill continue as described above.

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