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Importing Members

How to import contacts into memberships via groups with the bulk import feature

Updated over a year ago

Getting started  

Getting your members into Tidy is an important first step in setting up your organisation. Below we'll explain how to get your members from your old system set up in Tidy.

Before you're ready to import, there's a few of things to have ready:

Pro Tip: Importing Paid Memberships Smoothly

When starting out with Tidy, you may want to import existing members into a Membership Level. So, if you're importing your members to a paid membership level, it's a good idea to edit the membership level to have a temporary zero membership fee and also make it "In-Active" (so that it's not displayed on the public page, stopping people from joining at zero cost).

Making the membership fee zero avoids issues with recording payments or sending invoices to people who have already paid and are already members. When you import members to a membership level with a $0 price, no transactions will be recorded in Tidy. Once you've imported your contacts and you're ready to accept online membership payments, you can make your membership level active and edit the membership price to its correct value.

Importing Members: Steps

Head over to memberships, Click on the Green New Button and select Bulk Import from Group

Please note that TidyHQ does not currently support bulk import from group into a Family Membership.

Complete the bulk import form

  1. Select the From Group you'd like to import from 

  2. Select the To Membership Level you'd like to import to

  3. Is this Membership a renewal?
    This setting allows you to renew existing memberships. For example, Jordon has an existing General Membership ending on 03 May 2018 – if he's imported, and the 'Renew' box is checked, it will add a membership to his existing record – his new end date (we add 12 months - the length of the membership) would be 02 May 2019.  If 'Renew' is not selected, existing memberships will be ignored - the end date will not be updated and new memberships will be applied to contacts without memberships as usual.

  4. Select when you'd like the Membership to start
    The default start date is, 'today' (for rolling memberships), or the start state specified in the membership settings (for fixed memberships). Custom start date allows you to apply a unique start date to each membership based on Custom Field data that's stored on a contact's profile.
    Select custom if you're importing existing active memberships from an old system. Note: you'll need to have imported the membership dates during the contact import. 

  5. If required, Select your Custom date field to apply date from
    Note: only 'date type' custom fields will be displayed in this list.

  6. Select Payment status
    Marking the membership as paid will record a deposit under Finances which you'll be able to see under the Finances > Transactions table. If you don't want to record transactions in Tidy for existing memberships, you can set the membership price to $0 during import – more information at the end of this article.
    Awaiting payment allows you to send an invoice to the member that they can pay when they're ready. You can customise Invoices under Organisation Settings > Finance Settings.
    Note: this option will only be displayed if the membership has a price

  7. Payment type
    Select a payment type to keep your transactions well documented. Note: the transaction reference will be recorded as the membership name. 

  8. Send membership welcome email after import
    Allows you to send or not send the membership welcome email. To find out what the welcome email looks like, check it out under the membership level settings.

Select Import, wait for the process to finish – success! 

Review: head over to reports and check the details 

After you've successfully imported your members, you can double check all the data was imported correctly by checking out the Reports tab.

  1. Select the membership level 

  2. Review the report - you'll be able to check the status and dates from here. If you have any questions about status, learn more here


Enjoy your up-to-date membership records. 😁🏅

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