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Setting up your New Meeting
Setting up your New Meeting

Creating agendas, making sub-topics, sending invites.. it's all here.

Updated over a year ago

In this article:

Watch the tutorial video below, or scroll down for step by step instructions:

Creating your Meeting

Go to Meetings > New Meeting.

Fill in the relevant fields:

  1. "Name of Meeting" is what will appear on your meeting invitations and how you will search for the meeting going forward.

  2. When you fill in the location details, Google will search for the location and if found, a box will pop up which allows you to Set Location. Click on Save and the location map will be attached to your meeting details.

    Note: if you only have a general location you can drag the red marker to the exact location if you wish.

  3. When you click the "Date" field, a pop up calendar will appear. Click on the date of your meeting.

  4. When you click the "Time" fields, a drop down list of times will appear - this is automatically set to the start of the hour, but you can choose a different time (eg 7.15pm) by typing directly into the field.

  5. If you have the Zoom App installed, you will be given the option to "Select Conferencing". Click the drop down arrow and select Zoom. A Zoom link will then be auto-generated and appear below this field, and it will be automatically included on your meeting invitations.

  6. Enter a brief description of the purpose of your meeting. This will be included on your meeting invitation so invitees know why they have been asked to attend.

  7. Nominate a Chairperson and a Minute Taker for your meeting. You can choose either a Role or a Contact. Whoever is selected in these boxes will automatically be added to the list of invitees to the meeting.

Creating your Agenda

Click in the first box under "Item" and enter your first agenda item.

You can allocate an Owner of each item by clicking in the box under "Owner" and selecting their name from your list of Contacts.

You can also choose whether the agenda item is "For Noting", "For Discussion" or "For Action" (you may want to agree with the rest of your meeting attendees what the criteria for each category might be).

You can also set a duration for each agenda item, and attach any relevant documents for each agenda item by clicking the paperclip for the item on the far right.

Note: When setting the duration of each agenda item, you can actually set the time in increments. Although the drop down box shows the time in increments of 5 mins, you can type 2 or 7 or whatever time you feel is required for that particular agenda item.

Adding sub-topics to your Agenda

If you would like one of your agenda items to be a sub-topic of another, you can reflect this by clicking on the 3 dots to the left of the item.

If you inadvertently make an item a sub-topic when it should be the main item, just click on the 3 dots and it will reverse the action you took and put the agenda item back in the right number order as a main item.

Moving agenda items

If you need to move agenda items around, click and hold on the 3 dots to the left of the item, drag the item to the correct place and release the mouse button.

Save your Meeting and Agenda by selecting Create Meeting.

If for some reason you wish to abandon the meeting, click on the Back button and this box will pop up.

By clicking on the Yes, Exit without saving the meeting will be deleted at this stage.

Sending invites to your meeting

Click here to learn more about sending invitations to your meeting and tracking attendance.

Editing your meeting

If you need to edit to your Agenda before the meeting, you can do so by going to Meetings > Upcoming Meetings. Locate the meeting you wish to edit and click on View Details.

Click Edit Meeting.

You can then:

  • add additional agenda items

  • delete an item by hovering your cursor just to right of the paper clip. A red X will appear, clicking on the X will delete the item.

  • re-arrange the order of your Agenda, by clicking and holding the cursor on the 3 dots at the beginning of the item and dragging the item to where you want it. Note: any sub-topics for the item will stay where they are, so you will need to drag and drop them as well.

Don't forget to click Save before you navigate away from this screen!

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