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Projects for Connected Organisations
Projects for Connected Organisations

Been sent a project to complete by your peak body? Find out how to complete it here.

Updated over 5 months ago

The Projects App in Tidy allows peak body organisations to set projects for their connected organisations.

See below for how to use Projects as a connected organisation:

Accepting a project

When your peak body wants to get your organisation involved in a project, they will "share" a project with you. When you login to Tidy, a pop-up box will appear asking if you accept the project. Click Accept.

NOTE: Only the first administrator from your organisation to login after the project has been sent will need to action the pop-up box. Once Accept has been clicked, other administrators from the organisation will receive a notification letting them know there's a new project to be completed.

To find the details of the project, click the All Projects App in the main menu on the left of your Tidy dashboard.

Here you will see all the projects shared with you by your peak body. You can see the status of the project, it's overall due date, any labels associated with the project and once you have assigned the project tasks to people, their login avatar will be visible on the far right. To see more detail of a project, click on it's name.

The Overview tab will tell you who has created the project, a description of the project and it's due date.

Click Tasks to see a breakdown of all of the tasks required to complete the project. For each task, you can see who it is assigned to (or unassigned if you have not yet completed that step), the due date of the task and it's status ('To Do', 'Done', 'Review Pending', 'Review Rejected').

Assigning the tasks of the project

When you click on the name of a task, it expands to show you a description of the task and gives you the ability to assign it to an administrator from your organisation.

To assign a task, click Edit Task.

The 'Edit Task' screen will appear. Type the name of the Role you wish to assign the task to in the "Assign To" field.Β  Then click Update Task.

The administrator you have assigned (aside from if you assign it to yourself) will receive a notification letting them know they have a new project task to complete.

To change who has been assigned to the task, click Edit Task. Click the "x" next to the Role that you wish to remove. Then type the name of the Role you want to reassign the task to in the "Assign To" field, and click Update Task.

Finding project tasks that have been assigned to you

To find tasks that have been assigned to you, hover over the All Projects app in the Tidy main menu and select Your Inbox.

You will be able to see all Project tasks that have been assigned to you, across all Projects your organisation is involved in. To see more detail about the task, click on it's name.

You can also go to the Tasks App (from the main TidyHQ dashboard menu on the far left) and click the My Tasks tab. This will show you all tasks from projects that you have been assigned, as well as internal tasks assigned to you from your organisation using the Tasks App, separately to projects.

Communicating about the task

There are three ways to communicate about a project task:

  • Task Announcements

  • Notes

  • Messages

Task Announcements

A task announcement is visible to all administrators with Projects permissions across all connected organisations who have been sent the project. It is a one-way communication from the peak body and cannot be sent by a connected organisation.

When there is a new task announcement, you will receive a notification. Click on the "Task Announcements" section to expand and read the announcement.


Notes are effectively 'internal' messages that are only visible to other administrators of your organisation who have Projects/Tasks permissions. They're a great way for you to keep others from your organisation in the loop with information specific to that task and ask for help if you need it!

To send a note, go to Projects>All Projects, locate the project containing the task you want to communicate about. Click the Tasks tab, locate the task you want to communicate about and click the task name.

Go to the "Discussion" section. Select Note. Type your note into the text box and then click Add Note.

Your note will appear in the "Discussion" section with yellow shading, and include information about who sent the note and when. A notification will also be sent to other administrators from your organisation with Projects/Tasks permission informing them there's a new note they need to read.


Messages send your text to both administrators from your organisation with Projects/Tasks permission, and administrators from the peak body who are responsible for managing the project. Messages are the way you ask the project manager any questions related to the task, and they can also send a message back to you that is not visible to other connected organisations responding to the project.

To send a message, go to Projects>All Projects, locate the project containing the task you want to communicate about. Click the Tasks tab, locate the task you want to communicate about and click the task name.

Go to the "Discussion" section. Select Message. Type your message into the text box and then click Add Message.

Your message will appear in the "Discussion" section with blue shading, and include information about who sent the message and when. A notification will also be sent to other administrators from your organisation with Projects/Tasks permission and administrators from the peak body with access to the project, informing them there's a new message they need to read.

Messages sent from your peak body will also appear in this thread, so keep an eye out for any messages they've sent that you need to respond to!

Completing a project task

Checkbox task type

When a checkbox task has been completed, click Mark as Done.

Text box task type

Type your response to the task in the text box and click Submit Answer.

File Upload task type

Click Choose File. Select a file from your computer directory. The name of the file should then appear next to the 'choose file' button. Then click Upload File.

Tasks requiring review

Some projects may require the peak body to approve each task before it can be fully completed. In that case you will need to click Submit to project organisers for each of the different task types.

NOTE: The peak body will NOT be able to see your answer until you have hit the "Submit to project organisers" button, so please make sure to double check!

The status of the task will change to "Review Pending".

Once the review has been completed by the peak body, the status of the task will change to either "Done" or "Review rejected".

If your response is rejected, you will need to change your answer to the task and resubmit to project organisers again.

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