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Projects for Connected Organisations
Projects for Connected Organisations

Been sent a project to complete by your peak body? Find out how to complete it here.

Updated over a week ago

The Projects App in Tidy allows peak body organisations to set projects for their connected organisations.

See below for how to use Projects as a connected organisation:

Accepting a project

When your peak body wants to get your organisation involved in a project, they will "share" a project with you. When you login to Tidy, a pop-up box will appear asking if you accept the project. Click Accept.

To find the details of the project, click the All Projects App in the main menu on the left of your Tidy dashboard.

Here you will see all the projects shared with you by your peak body. To see more detail of a project, click on it's name.

The Overview tab will tell you who has created the project, a description of the project and it's due date.

Click Tasks to see a breakdown of all of the tasks required to complete the project.

Assigning the tasks of the project

When you click on the name of a task, you can see it's due date, if it has been assigned to someone, which project it below to, and a description of the task that the peak body has written.

To assign a task, click Edit, then type the name of the role or contact you wish to assign it to in the "Assign To" field.Β  Then click Update Task.

Finding project tasks that have been assigned to you

To find tasks that have been assigned to you, hover over the All Projects app in the Tidy main menu and select Your Inbox.

You will be able to see all Project tasks that have been assigned to you, across all Projects your organisation is involved in. To see more detail about the task, click on it's name.

Communicating about the task

If you have a question about a task, you can communicate with the peak body using the Discussion tab.

You can choose the audience for your message by clicking the drop-down box. Messages sent to "only members of my club" will only be visible to other Administrators within your organisation. Messages sent to "project organisers and my club" will be visible to both Administrators within your organisation AND administrators within the peak body organisation.

Once you have typed your message in the "Comment" field, click the green Comment button.

Replies sent by other Administrators will also appear on this Discussion tab.

Completing a project task

When a task has been completed, click Mark as Done.

Some projects may require the peak body to approve each task before it can be fully completed. In that case you will need to click Submit to project organisers.

Editing a project task

For some projects, the peak body may give you permission to edit tasks. Please see the section on editing tasks in the Projects for Peak Bodies support article.

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